Learn How to Use Your Mind to Heal Mobility Issues in this easy-to-read 70-page eBook!
This is the tool-kit to resolve mobility issues faster and permanently by incorporating the mind. Use Your Mind Power!

This 70-page eBook will Teach You
Successfully Proven Formulas to:
- Create specific vibrations to specifically heal your illness
- Release your desires to allow belief to become
- Why using your memory is a “no-brainer” in the vibrational world
- How physical pain is a friend and how it can be used to treat illness
- List IteHow anger, sympathy and other emotions can positively fuel your target!m
- Adjust your imagination to create believable beliefs
- How utilizing a unknown passive force can be a game-changer!
- How surrendering to your condition can positively change it permanently
- Hold specific images “in mind” to create change
- Bring your mind into believing in a specific physical experience to cause change!
If you haven't watched my story I encourage you to view below -
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*Kel Rae consciousness researcher, mediation teacher, speaker, Mind Body Tech (specialized health coach), former athlete, and Amazon author of, How to Heal Your Body Using Your Mind. Kel Rae has been using mind body techniques since the early nineties to rapidly to restore the body to its natural state of being.
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